10. prosinca 2020.“AUSTRALIA-job is done”
10. prosinca 2020.
After dinner, all the members of the delegation went to a hotel where lectures were organized on the economic framework in Croatia, investment opportunities, and an Australian economic viewpoint of investment in Croatia. After interesting and instructive lectures, there was a networking of several Croatian companies, including Alpha Applications. An organized wine tasting event not far from the hotel was the perfect way to end the day. Sipping the best wines and to socialize with dear people.
The evening remained free from activities, but as Marko said, they used the whole day and there was no other option then to rest for the coming day that was full of business meetings and obligations. After a break, all the members went to reception at Parliament in New South Wales. The members of Parliament have indeed proved to be excellent hosts. Also, Marko had the opportunity to participate in individual talks that had already been agreed in advance. He achieved his goal. He expanded his knowledge, vision and he presented Alpha Applications to potential clients.
After being admitted to Parliament, they went to a reception at the mayor’s office. They met Michelle Byrnes and President of Sydney Hills Business Chamber, Mr. Nigel Rayner. Reception, just like in the Parliament, was really worth mentioning. The mayor and Mr Nigel were warmly waiting for them to better acquaint the guests with their work and wishes and prospects for the future. In addition to the enjoyable socializing and promotion of their work, they went to a press conference organized at the Radisson Hotel. The conference was attended by representatives of local media, correspondents of Croatian newspapers and television. As soon as Marko came to the hotel, he called back home and recounted his experiences of the day. He also met representatives of some companies who were interested in co-operation.