“AUSTRALIA-job is done”
10. prosinca 2020.“CROATIAN BUSINESS IN USA”
15. prosinca 2020.
In an uncertain environment, and as a small company that just begun work, our potential was the only promise we could provide to our customers. Later, we proved ourselves and expanded our business to Australia and our team started to grow. Alpha Applications is a company that has achieved many things in a short time. But even though everything looked great, the team decided we could do even better. If Australia was an unrealistic dream that we have overcome, why stop there?!
The Croatian Chamber of Commerce organized a trip to Toronto for the purpose of networking with Canadian companies and with Croatian emigrants in Canada. It sounded like a perfect opportunity to repeat Australia. We didn't hesitate for a second, Marko would start the new journey. Just like Australia, Canada somehow seemed like the “promised land“. On the 25th of November Marko started a new adventure. As soon he landed in Toronto, he went to the hotel so he could prepare and be ready for the tedious schedule. Toronto is city with most job and networking opportunities so Marko immediately started looking for opportunities for cooperation. Did he succeed? How did he spend the rest of the trip?
Stay tuned for more interesting stories 🙂